Leslie Boby is the Coordinator for the SREF office and has been leading the office since January 2019. Leslie’s work entails facilitating connections and regional programs among the 13 southern land-grant universities, the USDA Forest Service, state forestry agencies and other southern forestry community members. These efforts include education, technology transfer and Extension programs that can serve the entire region. She has worked for the SREF office since 2011 and is based at the University of Georgia, in Athens, GA.
Leslie has a Masters degree in Forest Ecology from the University of Florida, a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from University of Illinois and is currently pursuing a Doctorate at the University of Georgia in Adult Education and Leadership. Prior to joining SREF, Leslie worked in various locations nationwide and for multiple agencies. She worked for the Audubon Society in California, as a wildland firefighter and forest technician for the Bureau of Land Management in northern New Mexico, and conducted wildland fire and soils research in Alaska. Leslie began her Extension career by serving in the United States Peace Corps as an Agroforestry Extension volunteer in rural Kenya for two years. Leslie lives with her husband and two boys in Athens, GA and enjoys hiking and camping with her family as much as possible.
Please contact her at lboby@sref.info or (706) 559-4320 if SREF can help.