SREF’s presence within the region and country have brought our programs here at NCSU higher visibility and respect. Fellow researchers, industry partners and state and federal agencies know who we are and what we do better because of SREF’s seat at many tables.
Whether it be facilitating economic summits, publishing research and extension publications or partnering on extramural funding, I’ve been able to gain opportunities that otherwise would not be available to me had SREF not been a partner.
SREF helped me get in touch with other forest extensionists in other states through their listservs and regional meetings. The programming brought Extension peers together to share knowledge and experience in the field and promotes potential collaborations among us.
Working with SREF has been instrumental in building my relationship with others throughout the region. This has been instrumental in developing a very successful national webinar platform.
SREF stays on the leading edge of issues and technology helping to keep us relevant and responsive in the field with practical information and useful delivery tools. SREF is also very responsive to state level needs. They are great partners.