Articulate and Extension Forestry

Articulate and Extension Forestry

With training and travel budgets still at an all time low, we here at the office of the Southern Regional Extension Forester are constantly looking for new and creative ways to not only reach our own clients, but also to help you reach yours.  Articulate Studio ‘09 is one way to do just that!  So what is Articulate Studio ‘09, you may ask?  Well, it’s a software created by the best of the best within the eLearning sector, and it allows you to quickly and easily develop interactive eLearning (electronic learning) and mLearning (mobile learning) experiences.  These experiences, which can include individual lessons or full courses, are easily accessible anytime, anywhere and by almost any device!  So, how does it work?  Articulate Studio ’09 is made up of three separate programs:  Presenter, Engage and Quizmaker, and all are plug-ins to Microsoft PowerPoint.  So once you have installed Articulate, it shows up as a user-friendly ribbon within PPT.  To get started, you simply open PPT and start building your presentation the same as always, using text boxes, images, shapes and animation.  The Articulate ribbon then allows you to add audio, sync audio with animations, add interactive elements, quizzes and other multi-media.  Finally, Articulate is SCORM compliant, which means that all Articulate-powered courses fit effortlessly into industry standard Learning Management Systems like Moodle, Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Canvas and others. For more information on Articulate Studio ‘09 check out  For more information on how SREF is using Articulate Studio ‘09 and other innovative eLearning software, please contact Sarah Ashton at

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Forestry & Natural Resources Meeting

Join your Forestry, Wildlife, and Natural Resource Extension Colleagues from across the South for a day-and-a-half meeting co-hosted by Mississippi State University Extension this winter.

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