CSREES launches a new Agency Web Site

CSREES launches a new Agency Web Site

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CSREES advances knowledge for agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being, and communities through national program leadership and federal assistance. Their new and improved website can be found at www.csrees.usda.gov.


ANR Forum Special Alert - CSREES Launches New Agency Web Site at www.csrees.usda.gov

Agency programs are organized under 11 National Emphasis Areas:


 1.  Agricultural and Food Biosecurity

 2.  Agricultural Systems

 3.  Animals and Animal Products

 4.  Biotechnology and Genomics

 5.  Economics and Commerce

 6.  Families, Youth, and Communities

 7.  Food, Nutrition, and Health

 8.  Natural Resources and Environment

 9.  Pest Management

10. Plants and Plant Products

11. Technology and Engineering


Please note that the Natural Resources and Environment

Emphasis Area goes beyond the current NRE unit and

includes programs from the Economic and Community

Systems and Competitive Programs units.  


Featured under the Natural Resources and Environment

Emphasis Area are Air Quality; Ecosystems; Environmental

and Resource Economics; Fish and Wildlife; Forests; Global

Change; Rangelands; Soils; Sustainable Development; and




ANR Forum Special Alert

April 15, 2004

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Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region

Whether you started burning with your grandparents as a toddler, or you’ve never held a drip torch, the Guidebook will help you set and meet your burning goals.

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