Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center Announces New Website and Additional Staff Members
ASHEVILLE, NC - The Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center (EFETAC) released today a new interactive website that offers consolidated information on a variety of threats facing forest land. The website, located at www.forestthreats.org provides information for landowners, researchers, land managers and policy makers on topics such as invasive species, diseases, wildland fire, loss of open space, and severe weather.
“This website offers a beginning phase of one-stop shop for those seeking information regarding threats impacting the land,” stated Danny C. Lee, Director of the Center. “We will be building this site over time to generate, integrate and apply knowledge to predict, detect, and assess environmental threats in a useful and user-friendly manner.”
The forest threat website is a cooperative project with the National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center in Asheville and the Southern Regional Extension Forestry Office in Athens, GA.
EFETAC has also recently added several members to its roster and is now fully staffed. The new employees include:
- Bill Hargrove, Research Ecologist. Hargrove is a landscape ecologist with extensive experience at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- Qinfeng Guo, Research Ecologist. Guo’s most recent experience was with USGS in Jamestown, ND, where he specialized in invasive species work.
- Stephen Creed, GIS Specialist. Creed comes from the Southwestern Regional Office in Albuquerque, where he managed GIS aerial photography and photogrammetric mapping projects for fire and recreation. Creed’s experience also includes work as a commercial pilot and flight instructor.
EFETAC was established in 2005 as part of the USDA Forest Service program under the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. The Threat Center provides science and technology for early detection and assessment of environmental threats on eastern forests with a focus on modeling, remote sensing and other early warning techniques.
Visit the site at http://www.forestthreats.org