Guide to Southeastern Fire-Adapted Communities Helps Region Prepare for Wildland Fire

Guide to Southeastern Fire-Adapted Communities Helps Region Prepare for Wildland Fire

SREF, in partnership with a diverse group of collaborators, recently adapted the National Fire Protection Association's Guide to Fire Adapted Communities for the southeastern United States, adding regional case studies in support of developing fire adapted communities across the Southeast.

SE Guide to FAC

Communities in wildfire prone areas are learning what it takes to be fully prepared for wildland fire. A fire adapted community incorporates people, buildings, businesses, infrastructure, cultural resources, and natural areas into the effort to prepare for the effects of wildland fire. Community leaders and residents accept responsibility for living in an area with wildfire hazards. They have the knowledge and skills and have adopted tools and behaviors to prepare in advance for their community’s resilience in a wildfire prone environment.

To support the development of fire-adapted communities, Southern Regional Extension Forestry in collaboration with the Southeastern Regional Cohesive Fire Strategy Coordinator, the Southern Governor’s Association, and the USDA Forest Service recently adapted the National Fire Protection Association’s Guide to Fire Adapted Communities to the needs of communities in the Southeast. This southeastern version provides regional case studies in support of developing fire-adapted communities across the Southeastern US. Leaders, planners, emergency professionals, and citizens are encouraged to read it to learn the best approaches and programs to help their community become more fire adapted.

Download the Guide to Southeastern Fire-Adapted Communities

The original guide was created through the collaboration of members of the Fire Adapted Communities (FAC) Coalition, which is a group of organizations and federal agencies seeking to advance the message of Fire Adapted Communities and to strengthen local wildfire preparedness at all levels.


For more information, please contact Gary Wood,, Southeastern Regional Cohesive Fire Strategy Coordinator or Holly Campbell,, Extension Associate, Southern Regional Extension Forestry

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