NASF Hires Executive Director

NASF Hires Executive Director

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Washington, D.C.: C.T. "Kip" Howlett, Jr. has been selected as the new Executive Director of the National Association of State Foresters (NASF) announced E. Austin Short III, President of the NASF Board of Directors and Delaware State Forester. "We are pleased to have the experience and background of Kip as our new Executive Director; his experience and background will help us to meet the growing challenges of achieving sustainable forests managed in the public interest," noted Mr. Short.

Mr. Howlett was most recently the Executive Director of the Chlorine Chemistry Council and a Vice President of the American Chemistry Council in Arlington, VA. He served 19 years with Georgia-Pacific, a leading global forest products company, as a vice president with environmental and government affairs responsibilities. A member of the Oregon bar, he is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University and Willamette University College of Law.

With significant experience in building partnerships and stakeholder dialogues, Mr. Howlett will focus on the many opportunities to help America "Keep Forestlands Forested", explained Mr. Short.

The National Association of State Foresters is comprised of the directors of the state and territorial forestry agencies and the District of Columbia. Through public-private partnerships, NASF seeks to develop, sponsor, and promote programs and activities which will advance the practice of sustainable forestry, the conservation and protection of forest lands and associated resources and the establishment and protection of forests in the urban environment.

For more information contact Joan O’Hara Wehner (202) 624-5415 .

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