New Longleaf Economics Course

New Longleaf Economics Course

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A continuing education opportunity from Southern Regional Extension Forestry and The Longleaf Alliance.

The Office of the Southern Regional Extension Forester ( and the Longleaf Alliance ( have partnered to design and develop a series of continuing education opportunities for foresters, natural resources professionals, landowners and others interested in potential longleaf management opportunities.  This work began over a year ago and has included an in depth needs assessment, consisting of a detailed survey assessing course content and instructional design needs, a webinar series and the subsequent design and development of an asynchronous, e-Learning module breaking down the economics of managing for longleaf pine.  Built using Articulate, a state-of-the-art course design software, benefits of an asynchronous, e-Learning module include accessibility, dual-coding (the application of both verbal and visual cues), convenience and interactivity.  Learning objectives for the module are: 1. to recognize that planting and managing longleaf pine can be an economically viable management option; 2. to describe the costs and benefits associated with managing a tract of land for longleaf; 3. to define the basic economic metrics used to calculate forestry investments; 4. to apply these metrics with the help of an Excel spreadsheet and pre-defined assumptions in comparing and contrasting the economic benefits and costs of different longleaf management scenarios; and 5. to conclude whether or not managing for longleaf may be a viable given your own situation.  To take this module for CEUs, please visit  To access this module for free visit  For more specific information, please contact Sarah Ashton, Program Coordinator, at

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