Rick Hamilton receives prestigious award from the Southern Group of State Foresters

Rick Hamilton receives prestigious award from the Southern Group of State Foresters

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The 2006 Henry Hardtner Award recipient is well-known and respected for providing excellent forest landowner technical assistance and forest management education over the last 28 years.

His areas of specialization include reforestation, forest soils, forest herbicides, silviculture, water quality best management practices, timber economics, timber taxation, and environmental policy.


He has authored or co-authored 80 extension publications. He has won accolades for his publication “Federal Income Taxes for Timber Growers,” and for the Forest*A*Syst publication, “A Family Forest.”  His advise on forest taxation and timber marketing is frequently sought out by landowners, consultants and other professionals.


His interest in re-establishing shortleaf pine and other ecosystem restoration initiatives is well-known.


He has also been involved in establishing a much needed state-wide woodland owners’ association and currently serves as a board member.


He was also on the organization and planning committee for the Forest Landowners Mini-Summits held across his State.


Currently he serves as Department Extension Leader and Extension Forestry Specialist at North Carolina State University.


But his reach and value to forestry and forest landowners extends far beyond his home State of North Carolina.  It is for this reason that Rick Hamilton is your 2006 winner of the Southern Group of State Foresters prestigious Henry Hardtner Award.


The Southern Group of State Foresters Presents the Henry Hardtner Award to Rick A. Hamilton in recognition of his outstanding education, extension and technology transfer efforts promoting forest sustainability and providing forest management assistance to landowners in North Carolina and across the South.  San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 12, 2006.


Here is Rick along with the staff of the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources who nominated him (from L-R, Acting State Forester Dan Smith, Dianne Beasley, Rick Hamilton and Dave Andres).


Rick Hamilton

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