Society of American Foresters Releases Forestry iPhone/Android App

Society of American Foresters Releases Forestry iPhone/Android App

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The SAF mobile app is a provides you with instant access to common forestry formulas including interest calculations, basal area, growth percentage, relative spacing, log scales acres/hectare conversions and more. Just simply pick the formula and enter the numbers. $4.99 for members and $9.99 for Nonmembers.

Purchase the Mobile App:

Your password and login will be included with your receipt.

Launch the Mobile App:

iPhone Users:  Login and click on the + sign to add to your App screen

Android Users:  Login and Save the web address as a bookmark (select bookmarks under settings)
On the homepage find open space and press and hold your finger on the screen
From the ADD to Home Screen Menu, tap Shortcuts. Tap Bookmarks. Tap SAF Forestry Calculator

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