Southeastern Integrated Biomass Supply System holds Annual Meeting

Southeastern Integrated Biomass Supply System holds Annual Meeting

SREF staff members, Dr. Bill Hubbard and Leslie Boby, recently attended the Southeastern Integrated Biomass Supply System (IBSS) Annual Meeting in Auburn, Alabama last week. IBSS is an ambitious project, which includes research, education and extension to develop a comprehensive biofuels industry. IBSS includes more than 75 different researchers, graduate students and staff spread across four universities, meeting in person, therefore, helped everyone catch up on the latest developments.

Auburn University hosted the meeting in their forestry building and hosted a tour of the biofuels laboratory, which includes a mobile “biomass-to-energy” truck. This truck is used as a demonstration, research and educational tool and is quite impressive. Other indoor labs include machines to test conversion technology (biomass-to-liquid biofuels).  During the meeting, more than 20 different IBSS members presented on the latest project developments: from plant genetics, Fischer-Tropsch conversion process, woody biomass harvesting techniques to new research on the public’s acceptance of biofuels. At the meeting, the Extension team had a chance to meet and talk in-depth about next steps.  Plans for the upcoming year include learning modules and updated fact sheets for forest and farm landowners interested in growing energy crops for biofuel.  As the project enters its second full year- IBSS members are ready to move ahead in this challenging work.

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