SREF Leading the Way in Mobile Applications Development for Natural Resources

SREF Leading the Way in Mobile Applications Development for Natural Resources

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Southern Regional Extension Forestry has partnered with UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Office of Communications and Technology Resources to cultivate a Mobile Application Development Program.   The first application in development is titled "Native Plants of North Georgia".  This is a companion, mobile application to the publication of the same name, UGA Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1339.  The mobile application contains all 86 plants that currently exist within the publication.  The app also contains a detailed glossary.  Once released, users will be able to sort by bloom time, common name, and scientific name and full text of each plant entry. At present, the Apple version of the application is in post-production.  The Android version is in development.

The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Mobile Application Development Program is staffed by Benaiah Morgan and coordinated by Bill Hubbard, SREF and Brian Watson, UGA CAES OCTS.  To learn more about this program or if you have ideas for development, please contact Benaiah Morgan at

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