The 13th Symposium on Systems Analysis Announcement and Call for Papers

The 13th Symposium on Systems Analysis Announcement and Call for Papers

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The 13th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources is going to be held in Charleston, SC from Tuesday, May 26, 2009 through Friday, May 29, 2009.

The 2009 Symposium for System Analysis in Forest Resources (2009 SSAFR) will bring together scientists to share ideas and developments in forest resource economics, operations research, management sciences, decision analysis, systems analysis, and information technology. Scientists from around the world will make presentations and share the latest in research, methodology and applications of advanced technologies for managing and problem solving in natural resources. The symposium will be the 13th SSAFR in the series sponsored by the Society of American Foresters E4 Working Group (Management Sciences and Operations Research). The venue for the 2009 SSAFR will be the Francis Marion Hotel, located in the heart of historic downtown Charleston, South Carolina (visit for more information about the hotel). Additional registration information will be forthcoming in later announcements. Attendees are encouraged to submit papers that address applications of operations research, computer science, or GIS to natural resource problems. Operations research and management science applied to natural resources is a wide umbrella, so all topics which apply quantitative analysis to natural resources are of interest to the SSAFR audience. The conference will consist of 20-minute presentations in which authors will have an opportunity to present their work. A proceedings will be published. Interested parties should submit title, author’s name(s) and contact information, and abstract (150 words or less) to the e-mail address shown below. Abstracts received prior to January 30, 2009 will be given priority consideration.

Dr. Marc McDill

Associate Professor of Forest Management

Penn State School of Forest Resources

310 Forest Resources Building

University Park, PA 16802

phone: 814-865-1602



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