Timber Tax Resources Available

Timber Tax Resources Available

Timber Tax Resources Available

Our office receives a number of phone calls and emails this time of year requesting information and assistance with filing taxes. No, we aren't certified public accountants, and we didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, but as a regional hub, we are able to direct individuals to knowledgable sources of information, including professionals with the USDA Forest Service, land grant universities, state agencies, and nongovernmental groups and organizations such as private consulting foresters, the Forest Landowners Association and others. I've compiled a few links to people and sources of information and hope that those of you who advise landowners, professionals and others on taxation resources can find this useful. If you know of other good sources of information, please don't hesitate to let us know here. We'll be happy to make sure the forestry and natural resources community is aware of them.

The National Timber Tax Website - http://timbertax.org - This site is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and managed by the University of Georgia's Center for Forest Business. It contains valuable information and links to timber tax information including federal, estate and state tax law websites. It also has a new developments section with links to new publications, workshops, etc.

Dr. Linda Wang, Timber Tax Specialist with the Forest Service is responsible for the content.

NWOA Timber Tax Website - http://timbertax.com - This site is maintained and managed by the National Woodland Owners Association. It has valuable links to service providers and state Extension Services and other course sponsors.

Federal Income Tax on Timber: A Quick Guide for Woodland Owners, 4th Edition, 2012 - FS-1007 - Click here for link to an online pdf file.

Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 2012 Tax Year - Management Bulletin R8-MB 141. Click here for link to an online pdf file.

In addition, the forestry webinars portal (http://forestrywebinars.net) hosted a live webinar on timber taxes recently. The archived version can be accessed at any time by following the prompts on the website to search for past webinars. Make sure you search for the most recent webinar on entitled "Income Tax on Timber for Your 2012 Tax Return Filing".

Merry Filing and Happy Tax Returns to All!

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