Promoting a Healthy Forest on Your Land

Promoting a Healthy Forest on Your Land

David Coyle, Extension Associate, Southern Regional Extension Forestry and UGA – D. B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and Mark Megalos, Extension Associate Professor, North Carolina State University

Environmental Management, Forest Health, and Forest Management

1602_FH-001.pdf — PDF document, 3554Kb

Forest health begins with the health of a single tree, and the goal should be to strive to maintain or improve forest conditions through responsible management and planning. Forest health is partly dependent on the landowner’s management objectives, land history, and current environmental conditions. Past land use, past forest management and harvesting decisions, presence or absence of natural disturbances, and many other factors have shaped your forest. If your forest is healthy and vigorous, then it will be able to meet your wildlife, recreation, and timber production needs.


A healthy forest is an achievable goal.  Obtain professional assistance and manage to prevent and minimize loss. Despite numerous factors that can’t be controlled (such as drought, wildfires, and storm damage), a forest landowner can manage their land to reduce their risks from disturbances and maximize their forest health. Our collective efforts can make our forests healthier, more productive and keep them sustainable.

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