2018 Urban & Community Forestry Webinar Series for Extension Agents

2018 Urban & Community Forestry Webinar Series for Extension Agents

2018 Urban & Community Forestry Webinar Series for Extension Agents

This webinar series- covering topics such as the effects of urban forests on our health, creating storm-resilient forests, trees for pollinators, and more- sought to increase knowledge and provide resources to support educational programming to Cooperative Extension educators and others in urban and community forestry. This series was developed by Southern Regional Extension Forestry with input from southeastern Extension and Outreach urban forestry experts. ISA and SAF CEU credits are available for most webinars up to 12 months after the live recording date. All 11 webinars are archived at www.forestrywebinars.net

Click on the links below for more information. 

Nature & Health in Communities: A Review of Best Available Science 

From Science to Action: Evidence-Based Programs for Nature & Health Communities

Storm-Resilient Urban Forests: The Role of Species Selection & Maintenance Pruning

27 Years of Extension Urban Forestry Outreach: A Pennsylvania Success Story

Storm-Resilient Urban Forests: Response Resilience, Are You Prepared to Respond?

Promoting Urban and Community Forestry through Staffing, Volunteer Groups, Tree Boards & Ordinances

Have You Checked Your Trees Lately? A Routine Check-Up of Trees Saves Lives & Property

Trees for Bees: Pollinator Habitats in Urban Forests

Transitioning from Gray to Green Infrastructure Using Urban Forestry

View final report here. 


Planning partners for this webinar series include: Southern Regional Extension Forestry, University of Georgia Outreach & Extension, Virginia Tech Extension, Clemson University Extension, University of Florida Extension IFAS, Mississippi State University Extension, University of Arkansas Extension, University of Washington, Penn State University Extension, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, and Trees Virginia.

Please contact Holly Campbell, Extension Associate with Southern Regional Extension Forestry, for more information: hcampbell@sref.info

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