Seeding Success

Module 6: Parts I & II Extension Scholarship

Module Developed By: Dr. Janeane Creighton, Dr. Martha Monroe, Dr. Andy Londo, & Dr. Randy Brooks

The details of scholarship requirements differ from Institution to Institution. Additionally, expectations may also vary depending on one’s position within extension – whether it be that of a county-based educator or a state-wide specialist. The course will be comprised of two sessions: one for county-based professionals and one for campus-based state-wide specialists. The primary objective is the understanding of how the integration of all the modules in this course culminate in scholarly outputs that lead to promotion and/or tenure.

This module will be covered in one session- November 27th

Learning objectives and competencies will be covered that are specific to county-based faculty:

  • Importance of understanding the criteria for promotion & for their specific circumstance (i.e. Institutional requirements) and where to find this information
  • Strategically build a successful program (i.e. importance of logic models)
  • The role of peer recognition (i.e. publications and awards)
  • Participation in research and application
  • Developing an innovation community-based professional practice
  • Advisory role in local community/government
  • Interacting with county/campus-based faculty (depending on your role)
  • Importance of understanding the criteria for promotion & for their specific circumstance (i.e. Institutional requirements) and where to find this information
  • Surviving split appointments; teaching/research/extension
  • Developing a state-wide comprehensive program
  • Bridging research responsibility with extension responsibility
  • Connecting teaching to extension activities
  • Mentoring graduate students
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